Thursday, April 29th
4:30pm - 7:30pm*
Virtual Symposium - Online

*tentative - times by be adjusted

The Brain Drain team, recently featured in Rice News, won the FIRST PLACE $5,000 Woods Leazar Innovation Award for Excellence in Engineering presented by sponsors Linda and John Leazar and Maria Oden, director of the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen, a teaching professor of bioengineering and co-director of the Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health.

Yeah Buoy won this year’s Willy Revolution Award for Outstanding Innovation, with its design of a buoyance control device for automated underwater vehicles. That prize is also for $3,000.

Other awards presented:

Excellence in Capstone Engineering ($1,000): SmartAid.
Excellence in Capstone Engineering ($1,000): Cool Fluid Dudes.
Excellence in Underclassman, Multi-year or Club Engineering ($1,000) Coral REliEF.
Best Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Award ($750): AeroPuff.
Best Aerospace or Transportation Technology ($500): Rice Eclipse Rocketry Team – ARCA.
Best Conceptual or Computational Modeling Engineering ($500): iDoc.
Best Energy-Related Engineering ($500): Mystery Box.
Best Environment and Sustainability Engineering ($500): IPyAy.
Best Gaming, Creative or Innovative Technology ($500): Castaways II.
Best Medical Device Technology ($500): Smartdrain.
Best Technology for Low-Resource Settings ($500): Let’s Get This Breath.

You may review their competition videos, as well as the videos for all of the competitors, in the Showcase Gallery.

OVER $14,000 in Prizes!


Award categories are subject to change

TOP Award:  

$5000        Woods Leazar Innovation Award - First Place: Excellence in Engineering

Top Level Awards: 

$1000        Excellence in Capstone Engineering Design Award- Teams must be from a capstone/senior engineering design course (2 Awards)

$1000        Excellence in Underclassman, Multi-year or Club Engineering Design Award- Teams must involve non-senior students

Category Awards:

$750             Best Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Award: Students on team must come from 2 or more disciplines

$500             Best Conceptual or Computational Modeling Engineering Design Award- Team must have NO physical prototype

$500             Best Technology for Low-Resource Settings Design Award 

$500             Best Energy-Related Engineering Design Award 

$500             Best Medical Device Technology Award

$500             Best Environment and Sustainability Engineering Design Award 

$500             Best Gaming, Creative or Innovative Technology Award

$500             Best Aerospace or Transportation Technology Award 

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK

Email: oedk@rice.edu

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