


Member profile details

Membership level
2011-2012 Team
Project Thumbnail Image
Team Name
Project Title
Design Challenge
The flu, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and other infectious airborne pathogens have been shown to be transmitted effectively in public and school buses. Sterilization of circulated air in settings such as hospitals and airlines greatly reduces the risk of airborne transmission, but buses are unable to support these sterilization systems. An effective air sterilization system tailored to the demands and limitations of a bus environment has the potential to reduce the spread of airborne pathogens, improving public health and increasing use of public transportation.
Design Summary
Due to the unique design constraints of buses, UVGI technology is most effective for eliminating airborne pathogens from HVAC systems. UVGI uses high powered UVC light to damage the DNA of airborne pathogens before they are recirculated. By designing a power efficient system that utilizes high-powered UVC lamps in the overhead air ducts, Citybusters will create a modular solution to be installed and tested on Houston METRO buses. This design will be tested using UVC sensors and experimental models correlated to kill rate in addition to in-bus microbial testing.

Currently, Citybusters has come up with a unique solution called Flu-Proof which makes use of a UVC lamp with an emission of 253nm. The lamp is fixed on the last section of the overhead airducts and powered by the solenoids of the bus system which outputs 28V DC at 4 Amps. Furthermore aluminum coverings have been placed on the inside of the airducts in order to increase the UV intensity and efficiency of the lamps.

Team Citybusters plan to continue with microbial testing and more in bus tests to ensure our design meets all the criteria set forth. Furthermore, team Citybusters is working with Houston Metro to implement the design on the Metro buses.
Beyond Traditional Borders, HHMI grant
Sponsor Logo
  • Bioengineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor 1 - Name
Maria Oden
Faculty Advisor 2 - Name
Matthew Wettergreen

Team Members

Award(s) and Recognition
Engineering Houston's Future Conference 2011 Poster Session: 1st Place-Social Impact;

3rd Annual Rice Alliance Undergraduate Elevator Pitch Competition Winner: Social and Global Health Ventures

3rd Annual Rice Undergraduate Venture Challenge: 2nd

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK


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