World Wide Warmth (WWW)

NeoHeat: A Novel Neonatal Incubator for the Developing World


Member profile details

Membership level
2011-2012 Team
Project Thumbnail Image
Team Name
World Wide Warmth (WWW)
Project Title
NeoHeat: A Novel Neonatal Incubator for the Developing World
Design Challenge
Each year in the developing world, 1.8 million babies die due to lack of a reliable heat source. Incubators can save these lives by providing external heat to neonates, allowing neonates to devote their limited energy on development rather than temperature regulation, and thus drastically increasing their chances of survival. Our project focuses on developing a novel, low-cost neonatal incubator for the developing world. All current solutions have deficiencies and safety risks, preventing their widespread acceptance.
Design Summary
Team World Wide Warmth (WWW) has developed NeoHeat, a novel low-cost neonatal incubator for developing countries. NeoHeat improves upon previous incubator alternatives for the developing world by minimizing safety risks. Our design criteria emphasize tight temperature regulation, visibility and access, safety, and cost to meet the needs of premature infants and the medical staff caring for them.

Costing less than $150, NeoHeat's design features resistive wiring embedded in concrete, a high thermal mass material. As a current is passed through the wire, heat is generated to warm the system, while the concrete stores additional thermal energy to be released without power. A mattress placed on top of the concrete contains rice grains to aid in heat retention and cushion the infant. This heating system is placed in an insulating shell with a clear, non-conducting double-layered lid to reduce heat transfer. An important aspect of this design is the simple assembly– everything will be shipped as a manufactured kit; all the user has to do is assemble the parts and pour the concrete.

NeoHeat only takes about 45 minutes to heat from 24°C to 36°C and maintains therapeutic temperatures of at least 30°C for approximately 5.5 hours without electricity. NeoHeat is completely self-regulating with automated safety power-offs. Meeting AAMI standards, NeoHeat ventilation system keeps carbon-dioxide levels under 0.5%. Unlike traditional incubators, NeoHeat uses conductive and convective heating.

NeoHeat is a low-cost, efficient, robust incubator suitable for use in the developing world. After further optimization and testing, NeoHeat is targeted for initial implementation in Malawi, Africa in partnership with Rice Beyond Traditional Borders.

Last Updated: 05/01/2012
Ellen Kirk
Sponsor Logo
  • Global Health Technologies
  • Bioengineering
Faculty Advisor 1 - Name
Maria Oden
Faculty Advisor 2 - Name
I-Chih Tan

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Rice University

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