Club: SEDS Rice - OwlSat CubeSat

OwlSat CubeSat


Member profile details

Membership level
2020-2021 Team
Project Thumbnail Image
Team Name
Club: SEDS Rice - OwlSat CubeSat
Project Title
OwlSat CubeSat
Design Challenge
OwlSat is a scientific investigation that will analyze the relationship between solar activity and the Earth's lower atmosphere. It will record extreme ultraviolet (EVU) radiation measurements of the Sun, the satellite’s orbital velocity and orbital position to characterize how varying EUV values impact the orbital decay rate. The data will allow for more comprehensive predictions for orbiting bodies, such as space debris and small satellites.
Design Summary
The OwlSat CubeSat includes 4 EUV radiation sensors that measure solar activity, 3 heavy-particle detectors used to determine levels of harmful ionized particles found within LEO, 3 accelerometers used to monitor the velocity of the satellite, and a GPS receiver used to determine the location and altitude of the satellite.

Contact us

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen
Rice University

6100 Main Street MS 390 | Houston, Texas | 77005

Phone: 713.348.OEDK


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